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Monday, November 22, 2010

Group Discussion Topics

 (Refer Current Affairs mostly)

  1. The objective of Management is to maximise profits
  2. Managerial skills learnt from classroom can never match those learnt from experience.
  3. How to deal with international terrorism
  4. The Wheel is Turning Round and Round
  5. Up the Down Staircase
  6. Beauty contests degrade womanhood
  7. China and India are similar nations with contrasting ways
  8. Religion should not be mixed with politics
  9. Developing countries need trade, not aid.
  10. Capitalism is a very flawed system but the others are so much worse.
  11. Advertising is a waste of resources.
  12. Ethical enigma of human cloning
  13. Which will be the most covested profession in the next few years?
  14. MBA in India is highly over-rated
  15. Match Fixing
  16. India should go for the presidential form of democracy.
  17. A ship docked in harbor cannot face the storms
  18. The ever increasing Indian Population - Boon or Bane?
  19. Corruption is the price we pay for Democracy.
  20. Is this economic revival for real?
  21. Capital Punishment Should Be Abolished
  22. There can never be a classless society.
  23. Women cannot successfully combine both career and home.
  24. Cricket as a national obsession is a detriment to other sports.
  25. Skilled Man power shortage in India
  26. Foreign Television Channels are destroying our culture.
  27. The education system needs serious reforms
  28. Let us legalize gambling
  29. How ethical is media?
  30. Markets left to them selves encourage greed.
  31. Is the consumer really the king in India?
  32. Formulate the government's health policy to control the spread of AIDS.
  33. Business And Ethics Don't Go Together
  34. India needs entrepreneurs than managers
  35. To develop India has to empower women.
  36. Consumerism is good
  37. Free market is a prerequisite for growth.
  38. We are not serious about saving Wildlife/Environment
  39. Modern day sport in industrialized society is an industry, as anything else.
  40. Is the business of business only business?
  41. Is the business of business only business?
  42. Are peace and non-violence outdated concepts?
  43. Should India have Moral Police?
  44. Should India Break Diplomatic Tie With Pakistan?
  45. Secessionism In The North-East: Who's To Blame?
  46. India needs young leaders
  47. Showing Violence and Crimes should not be allowed in films and on television.
  48. The rise of regional blocs threatens independent nations like India
  49. Voters, not, political parties are responsible for the criminalisation of politics.
  50. Reserving seats for women in Panchayat has not only been a farce but has distracted from developing a more genuine voice of women.
  51. Developing countries should spend more on development than on defense.
  52. Voting rights to illiterates in India is illogical because it is widely misused.
  53. Arranged Marriages Are Better Than The Love-Marriages
  54. Is Swadeshi relevant for India today?
  55. Secularism has become a tool to justify the wrongs done by the minorities.
  56. Why cant we be world players in other industries as we are in software?
  57. Films are corrupting the Indian Youth
  58. Are co-operatives relevant in today's globalized environment?
  59. Should we pursue our policy of dialogue with Pakistan?
  60. Has the media's sole job become sensationalism of true facts?
  61. Indian parents expect more from their children than parents worldwide
  62. How do we stop another 26/11
  63. Reservation a Tool for Creating Social Divide or Rectifying for Past Problem
  64. There is no such thing as 'limited nuclear war'
  65. What do we do about India's population growth?
  66. Global Warning is not real
  67. Taking a bribe is not ok, but giving it is
  68. Politics and religion should not be mixed
  69. Business And Ethics Don't Go Together
  70. News channels - are there too many of them?
  71. It's not Politicians but Bureaucrats who are Responsible for Decay in Public Services
  72. India shall Adopt China's Model of Growth
  73. Celebrity Brand Endorsement: Effective Advertising?
  74. The Rush for MBA is really a Rush for Big Money
  75. Are Ethics just Business Pretence
  76. Women are better at multi-tasking
  77. Justice delayed is justice denied
  78. Are media sting operations good or bad?
  79. Politics is a second career choice for film stars
  80. Influence of online social networks on our youth
  81. Effects of Internet
  82. Technical Modernization and job employment do not go hand in hand.
  83. Politicians should have a retirement age
  84. Necessity of Women Quota Bill for Women Empowerment
  85. Politicians should have a retirement age

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