The story of ‘Raavanan’ is said to be this. Dev (Prithviraj) is a police officer who falls in love with a classical dancer Ragini (Aishwarya Rai) and marries her. Post marriage Dev is posted in a tribal town controlled by Veera (Vikram) whose writs alone control the people of the town. Veera, the warlord is seen as challenger and the law enforcers lead by Dev believe the key to bringing order to the place is to crush Veera.
In an attempt to vanquish Vikram, Prithviraj misses the target and kills Priyamani who is the sister of Vikram. An infuriated, Vikram kidnaps Aishwarya Rai and takes her into the forest. This draws Prithviraj into the forest and the forest becomes their battle ground. The dense, confusing and scary jungle sets in motion a string of events which test their beliefs and change their fortunes.
A town where the word of law is not the police but Beera, a tribal who has, over the years, shifted the power equation of the place from the ruling to the have-nots of the area. Dev knows that the key to bringing order to any place is to vanquish the big fish; in this case
The protagonist is Ravana, an anti hero who is doing it to take revenge on the cop who humiliated his sister and was responsible for her death.
Vikram would be portraying the title character based on Ravana.More recent reports have Abhishek portraying the role of Ravana and Vikram playing Rama.There are conflicting reports on the role Vikram is playing in the Tamil Version Ashokavanam.
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